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    * *** F O R M 3510 7-3I-5M UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY v LAW D E P A R T M E N T E. E. B E N N E T T , G E N E R A L S O L IC IT O R E D W A R D C . R E N W IC K , A S S I S T A N T G E N E R A L S O L IC IT O R M A L C O L M D A V IS . G E N E R A L A T T O R N E Y J A C K W . C R U M LE Y, A S S I S T A N T G E N E R A L A T T O R N E Y Hr* Leo A. McNamee Attorney at Lew II Portal Building La» Vegas, Nevada 422 W E S T S I X T H S T R E E T LO S AN G E LE S 14, C A L I F O R N I A December 2, 1952 &Q-11 Eli Lee Vegas Valley Water District bid Beer Leo: $e have been considering the new pro­posal made by the Las Vegas Valley Later District, which is dated October 15th, and which came to this office November 4th, and after considering the pro­posal X have felt it advisable to make up a draft of a new proposal which embodies some changes, prin­cipally for desirable, clarifications which we think are 1 am enclosing herewith a copy of the wpirtohp ohsaevd e rtehveis efdo llporwopionsga lc,o mamnedn tsi nt oc omnankeec:tion there­Referring to sub-division "A" of the proposal of October 15th, I have merely added to that proposal the reference to condition®, encumbrances and reservations of record, and the question of taxes. As you know, the title of this property shows as encumbrances the various water appropriations with which you are familiar, I I have followed closely sub-division »B*