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    LosAngeles - duly -8 th., 1935* (Personal) Sr* 8* B* Bracken: Confirming cur c m ver sat ion date and referring to year recent letters in regard to the present water Situation at Xas 'Tegas* «’hilc Mr* Bennett and I will endeavor to be at las Tegaa at an early date to- go with yet? before the city official's, for the purpose of a candid discussion with the® of the conditions contributing to eater shortage in the tom* nevertheless, I believe it very desirable that you rerscnaliy lay the ant ter before Chairman Harmon* of the tsvada labile. derrioe C-nmaaion, He is entirely fam­iliar with local conditions in las Yearncity as Chairman of the Commission, he u®*n ^ouIhnt ehdiley' ccoauplad­bo very helpful, if net in hi3 official capacity, than in a personal way* by forcibly directing to the attention of the city'authorities, the necessity for adopting m effec­tive sprink;li!|5 ordinance. f here is no reason why sprink­ling of lams* trees, gardens* etc* , should not be prohibited iann fas Togas between say 3;GOA I! and &:QQP3$*. fhis sort of ordinance is enforced regularly in much larger commun­ities than tea To as, and where the per capita- consumption of water pee day is mush Isas* In fact* I think you should emphasise In your latter to- lie* Harmon, the very high per capita consumption that exists in las togas during ‘he months of duly and August, particularly. fharc is an abundance of water available for all needs in the t<y#n of las fs "as, if some reasonable effort is made to conserve it and to Shut off sprinkling during the day time* F. H* JOJICEEHlOaK© cc - !fe* £* B| Bennett, (Personal)