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APPEN DIX A C - O - P - Y AGREEM EN T FO R THE D ELIVERY OF W ATER 1. THIS AGREEM EN T, made and en tered into this 23rd day of M ay, 1952, b y and betw een BASIC M ANAGEMENT, INC. , a co rp o ra tio n o rg a n ized and existing under the laws of the State of Nevada (h erein after r e fe r r e d to as "B M I") and LAS VEGAS V A L L E Y W ATER D ISTRICT, a p u b lic co rp o ra tio n organ ized and existing under the law s of the State of N evada (h erein after r e fe r r e d to as the "W ater D is tr ic t"), acting in p u r ­suance of certa in acts of the L egislatu re of N evada, being Chapter 167, Statutes of N evada, 1947, and acts am endatory th ereof and su p p lem en ­ta ry th ereto: W J. TJN E S S E T H: 2. WHEREAS, during W orld War II, in conjunction with the con-t stru ction of B a s ic M agnesium Plant, som etim es known as P la n co r 201, ce rta in w ater fa c ilitie s (som etim es h erein after r e fe r r e d to as "W ater F a c ilitie s ") w ere con stru cted and owned by or on behalf o f the fe d e ra l govern m en t to supply and distribute water to said plant and the n earby tow nsite of H enderson, Nevada, said water fa c ilitie s con sistin g g en ­e r a lly of an intake, tra n sm ission lin e, term in al r e s e r v o ir s , water treatm en t plant, d istribu tion lin es, e le c tr ic p ow er and te le p h o n e -co n tro l lin e s , and appurtenant w ork s, conveying w aters of the C olora d o R iv er fr o m Lake M ead to said plant and tow nsite; and 3. WHEREAS, said Water F a cilitie s w ere lea sed b y War A sse ts A d m in istration to the State of Nevada by L etter of Iptent of Septem ber 16, 1947 w ere sold as a part of B a s ic M agnesium Plant and the tow nsite of H en d erson , by War A ssets A dm inistration acting fo r and on beh alf of R e co n stru ctio n F in an ce C orp oration , to the State of Nevada pursuant to a secon d L etter of Intent dated M arch 17, 1948, and w ere con veyed to the State of N evada b y the R econ stru ction F inan ce C orp oration , acting b y and through War A ssets A dm inistration , by a qu itclaim deed o June 3, 1949; and 4. WHEREAS, in said secon d L etter of Intent the se lle r r e s e r v e d and now has, the right to req u ire recon veya n ce of said p ro p e rty upon fa ilu re of buyer to p e r fo r m certain covenants, and in said qu itclaim deed the gran tor retain ed , and now has, a v e n d o r' s lien on all of said p ro p e r y until paym ent of the en tire purch ase m oney in debtedn ess, to -w it, re n ta ls, reven u es or other em olum ents through the sa le, le a se or o p e r ­ation of the p ro p e rty con veyed fo r a p e rio d of twenty y ea rs but not to A - 1