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I agree.On Line <Iune 16 , 192?. Mr. I . S. C alvin , V ice P resid en t, Omaha, Nebraska. Dear S ir : Herewith A .F .I . R e v e s t Ho. 1?3 fo r an approp-r ia tio n o f $3,550 t o cover in s t a lla t io n o f s u ita b le meters on various w ater lin e s a t Las Vegas, Nevada. R a ilroa d Company has been fu rn ish in g water to the Las Vegas Land and Water Company under con tract ihidit l a . 285Q-A, extended to October 1, 1926, by con tra ct Audit No. -2350-B a t f l a t charge o f |200 per month. In connection with proposed renewal o f con tract co verin g w ater fu rn ish ed , t e n t a t iv e ;fig u re s in d ic a te that f l a t monthly ra te o f $200 i s inadequate and p o s s ib ly should tfe doubled. However, the amount o f water used i s m erely an estim ate. I t i s considered a d visa b le th at b e fo re e s ta b lis h in g a new r a te we should in s t a ll 16* meter in p ip e lin e to be ab le to t e l l d e f in it e ly ju s t how much w ater the Las Vegas Land and Water Company i s using. With th is informati&n a t hand we w ill be in p o s itio n to e sta b lish a ra te to take care o f overhead, maintenance and d ep recia tion charges and a ls o place the Land and Water Company in p o s itio n to defend the ra te s charged i t s customers