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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    May p j 1$$Q W 2 > 1 Mr. V. 0. Anderson Oily Engineer Las Vegas, Rev&da Osar Mr. Anderaont It Is ay understanding that consideration is being given to a request to change the existing alloy on flit south aids of Frssont between Tenth sad l i f i i i Striata where Mr. Alanto Belkin at out tins ooemenoed oonatruetion of a building and which construction was stopped as a result of protests by tha undsraignad and property owners in that block. M# were present at a public hearing held Cl) Generally we flit it vaa wrong to in* convenience 90# of the property owners in that block, nerely to accomodate one owner, Mr. Belkin. (2) Specifically, we objected to tha Water Company being required to raloo&ta nains that were inat&llad in good faith prior to 1929 in the alley &i it h&a alwaya assisted. Other property otmera in tha biodc alao pro-taatad and Mr. Belkin was praaant and was given an opportunity to bs heard. in tha Hi teats on