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I agree.2 to th« point being a considerable distance from the four l/i corner# of the section and the Deputy Surveyor may have sketched in the creek without taking measurements and courses to ascertain the correct course of oreek. However, I will determine this creek matter and also the correct locations of the corners and lines of property within a day or two and Show to your satisfaction on the ground the lines ©f the property* With reference to the springs in this valley owned by the Stewarts and outside the boundary lines of the ranch, 1 would very strongly recommend their purchase on account of the cattle business. If you buy the ranch and cattle without the springs, someone might buy up and fence in the other springs or the Stewarts could do so. In either case the cattle would be confined to the home ranch almost entirely on account of lack of water on the range. On completion of field work, X will furnish a plat showing in detail all information gathered therefrom, and which will Include areas of all enclosures such as pastures, hay lands, orchards, etc. In view of the fact that my home is in this country, and to save me from making enemies of the Stewarts for stating truths, X trust you will see fit to request your principals to treat all of above letter as confidential. Tours very truly, (Signed) X. HcWlilla IT.8.Deputy Surveyor,