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Mr. Knickerbocker; #2 March 12, 1935. Actively assisting the two above named City Commissi oners and certain other agitators, is Hyland Taylor, an attorney and member of the law firm of Ham & Taylor of Las - Teg&s* The thought occurs that it would be a wise move on our part to appoint some aggresive attorney who is closely is touch with the local situation, as an assistant to Leo Melamed and give him a retainer of say fifty dollars per month and annual transportation, if the latter can be done. Ham is considered one of the best of the local attorneys, and his influence on our side would be very advantageous. A municipal election is scheduled in Las Vegas during the month of May, at which a mayor and two eosaissi oners will be elected. In view of our experience with the Train Limit Bill and other unfavorable railroad legislation during this session of the State Legislature, where certain men were handicapped by fcbeir pre-election pledges, I strongly urge that we create without delay a political set-up of candidates who will not be antagonistic to the interests of the railroad and the water company. From rumors I hear around the town* a certain farmer city official is being groomed for the office of Mayor, and his election to that office would put a different aspect on this threat' of municipal ownership. On the other hand, the opposition is becoming active with an ”Arnett for Mayor" campaign, which, if successful, would be ruinous to us. As a matter of faet, the power company, which purchases its current from the B&ilroad Company, seems to be as much or mare the target of this clique than the water company is, as you will note from the enclosed clippings. The power company has made two slight reductions in their rates during the past several months, the last one effective February 1st of this year, and several of our customers have inquired when we are going to make reductions in our water bills. $e, of course, have no intent! cm of making any reduction in our water rates. However, in view of these circumstances, it would be a good thing for us to get together with the local power company officials, of which Mr, Ed Clark is President, and start a quiet but active campaign for the election of candidates who will not be antagonistic to our interests. Our assistance in their behalf would of course have to be confidential, but would be well