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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Public Service Comission Carson City Hevada Gentlemen: We enclose herewith Hotice of Cancellation of Las Vegas Land and Water Company*s Rule 90* 1, As the Commission knows, Rale 90 was put into effect January 29, 1942 for the purpose of facilitating the emergency program for construction of homes for defense workers in Las Vegas. We feel, however, for the reasons hereinafter set forth that there Is no need fbr further emergency construction of such houses due to the con­tinuing decrease in the number of such workers in Las Yegas and that, therefore, there is no need for the rule itself, 2, Since the promulgation of Rule 90, Las Vegas Land and Water Company has entered into contracts under said Rule, for the extension of its water mains to and within the following named sub­divisions containing the number of houses or housing units and at the cost shown in the following tabulation: Humber of Houses Inv estment Blltmore Addition 96 Victory Homes 43 fiffandale 100 Huntridge 1 & 2 125 Mayfn air H» o, 1© @6 69 H " 3 72 L, V, Development Co, 66 Huntridge Ho. 3 100 Huntridge Ho, 4 168 # 9000,00 6039,09 14550.00 20153,15 12394,65 7540.00 9150.00 5800.00 15580.00 84852.00 In addition to the foregoing, Contracts are mow in process of execu­tion covering: Huntxidge Ho, 5 176 25000,00 Huntrlags Ho. 2 (additional) _ M _ « J $ ff *jf 3, We have described these developments as houses or housing units in view of the fact that in some instances one building will contain four dwelling units, each capable of housing a family. 1*