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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas « March 1?, 195^ W 18-7 Mr. L. V. Peart - Omaha go : Mr. ¥s, Reinhardt Mr. E. E. Bennett I am sending you herewith In triplicate Form UO-1 dated March 17, 195h, addressed to Mr. W. H, Johnson, Secretary, Las Vegas Land and Water Company, requesting authority to destroy certain records on hand in this office. lou will note that X have added F o m 27 to the list, which Is not included In the list of forms retained In the Office of the General Manager, Las Vegas, Nevada, which Was sent Mr. A. M. Folger by Mr. L. A. White on July 8, 19^7» file BD 18-1, This additional form is included in the list as X cannot see why there would he any reason why we should retain this record longer than the three-year period shown on the form. It may he necessary to furnish an additional list at a later date after X have had an opportunity to go over the old records stored in this office. L. R. Haag Attachment LHMilra