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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    January J, 195* v» 1863--31--1U39 Hr. uni. Reinhardt - Loo Angeles 001 HNrr.. 0I.. IH.. CBoernynett Attaohed are three signatory oopies and three extra ospies of Revocable Permit from the State of Hevada, Department of Highways authorialns oonatruotlon of an 8" oast iron water main extension in Charleston Boulevard from a oonneotion with existing water main loeated in vlolnity of intereaetlon of 13th Street and Charleston Boulevard to the intersaction of 15th Street and Charleston Boulevard, Las Vegas, Hevada. this Permit is required by the Hevada State High­way Department nines said pipe was constructed within the limits of the State Highway (Charleston Boulevard). Pipe line constructed under this permit was constructed to replaoe an existing pipe line located in s dedicated portion of Charleston Boulevard which was subsequently vaoated by the City. As a result of this mention the City Manager served notion upon the Las Vegas Land and Mater Company to rslooata its existing water line in an area within the remaining dedloated portion of Charleston Boulevard. Authority for City Manager's notice to relooate existing pipe line wae baaed on Paragraph 8 of Permit by City of Las Vegas to the Las Vegas Land and Hater Company which is severed by our Contrast Audit 76*1 dated February 25, 1930. Oonatruotlon of pipe line oevered by Permit was authorised on Las Vegas Land and Water Company MO 752. 1 recommend acceptance on behalf of the Mater Company and if you oonour will you please exeouto the three signatory ooplea and return