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provide fo r payment jjf c&toftM fr u it Aecouifttloa o f Ontario of in terest upon value o f land and. unpaid cost o f «ai4 fr u it packing hdueb and addition* thereto, at rat# o f 4$ per m m m upon. #**!& value sad oast. In lie u o f inter#dt thereon at rata o f 0 per annu»? further agreed that, eesseeselsg ms o f Beeea&er 12, lftftft, provision# o f spur track agreement, dated September 1#, Xft&d* he emended to eliminate provision fo r payment o f minimum Sftikl-annuml payment o f t l fOOO«OOt and to provide fo r payment fey the ^ssosimtioa o f interest upon unpaid portion o f the cost o f spur track at rat# o f 0 per annua in lie u o f in terest thereon at rat# o f 4t pe* annus? thee# amended pruvieiene to continue i s e ffe c t during remainder o f ter® o f said origin al contract, a# previously amended, and o f said gpstr track agreement, dated September 1ft, Ifttdj a l l other terse o f a&id o rig in a l contract, as supplemented end amended, end o f said spur track agreement, to remain In f u ll force and e ffe c t during the tense thereof, he, and the test ia hereby, ratified,* approved end confirmed. follow ing authority fo r Sxpenditar# request#, approved fey the tree lie n t, were enlMttted fo r rutiflcutioux t . 0. in* ftOft, itemed Ceeenfeer £1* 18W| liv e r - aide, C aliforn ia, in s t a ll ferae# r o ll eater elim inator i s replacement o f towel efetorfeent In peeking hows# at 3rd and Vise Streets, leased to Fred W» srlnard. fe t a l expenditure laeo.GO, chargeable to Property investment. w. ?©, lo . aoi, issued Peeemfeer fil* I f i d f iiv e re id e ,