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F O R M 30-1 ( L a s t S h e e t ) 5 - 53 - 100M W O R K O RD ER A U T H O R IT Y — Detail of Estimated Expenditures Las Vegas Lfenci and Water in&nv DEPARTMENT. .DIVISION S &P % 6E513WT 1», LOCATION: L&8 Veg&S , DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Construct 1330 LF o f 12* t 3475 LF o f 8* and 68X0 LF o f 6* oaftt iron water mains and 240 LF o f 6“ f ir # hydrant oonntotlons to serve Hyde Park Subdivision Bo. 3* President's No. State _ Nevada Valuation Section Department 35A .19 i i R . A N D E. ACCT. NO. *A‘ M oS ill ITEM f la w A d d i t i o n s ! P r o p e r t y fc&ter mains to be eobstructed expense o f SuMiviten - Subj 12 * 'Oast iron pipe 1330 8* Oast iron pipe p f f 68 C&st iron pipe 6810 Valves'and F ittin gs Labor « Contract: 1 2 * Oast iron pipe 8* Cast iron pip# 6* Cast iron pipe Contingencies Fir® hydrant connect! by and at expense o f subject to Refund* 6* Cast iron pipe Fitting# Labor - Contract Contingencies norm Federal Home# Develop Bo* 3» Las Vegas, iff the in s ta lla tio n o f j own expense, subject to flev&da Public Serv: o f revenue derived f i said tract and taking under during the ten lin es or u n til subdiv t exclusive o f f i r s hy< o f 70,100*00, which QUANTITY 1330 3475 6810 ana to SuM ivi 3* co ier UNIT to j JiUd a t Refuri 4,25 2.50 1.75 4,25 4.00 3.75 ? ap&ny il has Lns a Mint lls s i 3B Rttl« merit uo mda9 an a te r in to agre Ice I oa s&le d irect (10) ye i t e r h&js bseja repai drant c ever f i UNIT COST in trust ot Inc* enter id f i n that o f w. serv i . r p e r i o d f d l l (ter t< ce frdti onneo tions) ret occurs* LABOR is dev . in to hydran t e r G 9# ref custom water lowing , the c which i MATERIAL 5653 8688 11918 3316 5653 13900 25538 7467 420 544 f@S 186 eloping private It -®mmm pany v. und to era loos, mains conple cat o f TOTAL CHARGEABLE TO IN V E S T M E N T A C C O U N T 82133 2050 Hyde contras1 d tio n s , i i i * puriuant uMivldur 35?S te d witliln. in s t a lle d here-lio n o f nalA 1 A id w ater mains O P E R A T IN G E X P E N S E S a r k t r a c t fo r t it s agree! *. to be ‘Sh® sum TOTAL if o*a m b y Total Estimated Expenditure Estimated By_________________ D a te ________________________ T O 19 ____ j Approved. .Approved *When labor or material is chargeable to both Investment and Operating Expenses show the items separately for each account.