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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    For h fe S Sp ?THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY'Sj,p'j| INCORPORATED 25,000 O FFIC ES IN AM ERICA. C AB LE SER VICE T O ALL T H E W ORLD T H E O . N . V A I L , PR ESIDE NT B E L V I D E R E B R O O K S , G EN E R A L MANAGER RECEIVER’S No. S TIM E FILED CHECK S illtS Frank 5 3 7 1 S end the following message subject to the term s 1 oft back hereof, which are hereby agreed to 5 L O S A T l g O l O S , G a l • # A p r i l E l , 1 9 1 & i & H : -J ' ' . XL 9 ‘0 * 0 OxmS.’**-JhnV i l l c Co. , Second and Howard Sts/, San Francisco, Q®1. Think miinb/r o f drinking fountains, Lae Yogas shops, too few . You should proTide m ateria l f o r at le a s t f i v e more* Plan, goes to Mechanical Pepartrient today. a e 7v;e j . Arthur Maguire