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I agree.ASSESSED REALTY & EVALUATION COST OF LOT NO. PROPERTY OWNER IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS TANKELS NORTH ADDN (Cont'd) BLOCK 32 City of Las Vegas Clark County Same as above Same as above TANKELS NORTH ADDN BLOCK 33________ VEGA VERDE ADDITION BLOCK 1 Angelo & Anna Barozzi 310 N. 2nd St., L.V. Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above City of Las Vegas Same as above Angelo & Anna Barozzi 310 N. 2nd St., L.V. Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Sam & Frances Steams Box 1287, L.V. J. M. & Margarete H. Reimers 830 E. Charleston, L. V. Abe & Agatha L. Kroloff 826 E. Charleston, L.V. Kenneth & Alice E. Chandler 820 E. Charleston, L.V. Harry D. & Ilene Farrow 818 E. Charleston, L.V. Harold V. & Betty Hind 810 Charleston, L.V. John W. McLaughlin & Rose St. Clair McLaughlin 808 Charleston, L.V. Alexander A. & Dathryn Rose 800 E. Charleston, L.V. Robert L. & Sally L. Gordon 801 Park Paseo, L.V. WARDIE ADDITION BLOCK 10 Elizabeth Baiiy 515 S. 7th St., L.V. Same as above Hale B. & Ruth M. Slavin 521 S. 7th St., L.V. Same as above Same as above Barney D. Zigtema 531 S. 7th St., L.V.