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    v> la s Vegas pipe lin e , Aug. 18, 1905. 613. Mr. J. Ross Clark, Second Vice P residen t. Dear S i r : I Dave your l e t t e r o f Aug. 18, 1905, enclosin g one from Mr. Robert Graham, Manager F ru it Growers Express, w ritte n to you, dated Aug. 17th, both r e fe r r in g to the Vegas 18" pipe lijn e ?> f ; . mr ? ?: / - I t is true that leaks have developed 1A the s lip jo in ts o f _ / the pipe lin e which n ecessita ted turning o f f the water to e ffe c t r e ­p a irs . During the time water was turned ofjt from the 18 main, water was furnished to the ice works by prahpin^pfrom Vegas Creek. The 18" pipe lin e i s , acoordi|fg the la s t rep orts I r e ­c e iv e d ,in commission the- leaks haying neen. repaired..? Mr. Graham is in ? i l e rro r when he says " i t has been p o vd fo r some time th at the p ip e ,la id is too weak fo r the pressu re". /When he makes such a statement, he should be q u a lifie d to prove jit by h yd rostatic computation. As a matter o f fa c t, the pipe has W C o e ffic ie n t o f s a fe ty o f over ten. Yours tr u ly , C h ief Engineer. enc EGTtLRT