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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr. X* X. Bennett: September 28, 1951 WM. ft. AUG 31 1951 Pursuant to our telephone conversation, permit me to state «y views as to the possibility of, or necessity for, seeking a re-hearing before the Nevada Public Service Commission on the water company's application for a rate increase. The Public Service Commission Act (See. 6lOO-6li»6 N.C.L. 1929, aa amended) make# no provision, as such, for a re-hearing before the commission. With respect to rates, section 6ll6 gives the commission fall power to f i x and regulate rates of public utilit1 Section 6113 (as amended) prescribes the method of a utility initiat­ing rates by filing a shhedule with the eomnleelon, with *h *n g» * to be mads by the utility only upon 30 days* notice to the caaniasicn* This section further provides for a hearing on, and temporary sue* pension of, such rates in the following language: mission within a time to be find by the eomnleelon, schedules which shall be open to public inspection, shewing all rates, tolls and charges which it has established and which are in force at the time fer any service performed or product furnished in connection therewith by any public utility controlled and operated by It* In connection with such schedule, and as a part of it, there atoll also be filed all rules and regulations that in any manner affect the rates or to be charged for any service or product* * * * • go changes thereafter be made in any shhedule, including schedules of joint rates or In the rules and regulations affecting any and mil rates or chargee except upon thirty days* notice to the commission, and all such changes shall to plainly indicated, ear by filing new schedules In lieu thereof thirty days prior to the time the seme are to take effect; * * * * provided; whenever there shall be filed with the comiaelon any schedule stating a new individual or joint rate, fare, or charge, or any new individual or joint regulation or practice affecting any rate, fare, or charge, the c comiss lean shall have, and it le hereby given, authority, either upon complaint or upon Its m m initiative without complaint, at once, and If it so orders, without answer or formal pleading by the Interested utility or utilities, but upon reasonable notice, to enter upon hearing concerning the propriety of such rate, fare, charge, classification, regulation, or practical * " This section then gives the eomnleelon the power to suspend the new proposed rates for two successive periods of not to exceed 60 daye each beyond the time when such rate would go into effect. Section 6127 gives the commission power to investlgate rates and make changes on its own initiative at any language: time, la the following w6H3» Every public utility shall file with the com*