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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    11 l*m * July 16, %95b * a * . 4 Mr* L . f * P e a r t - Omaha, ©OS h r . fe e B o ilih a rd t H r . i « £* B e n n e t t Hr. a. M. Button la line with our oonfere&Mt with Mr. £* 8* Bennett at fe® Vega*, ©a July §, 195b* m inventory was taken of the Bhop equipment ahft tools on bans. as of July i, If Sh, copy of w M d s Is attached* All of the equipment t M tool®: Included la this In­ventory were purcb&eed % the has Vegas Laaft (?r\ « M Voter Sospsey andL ehagyed to operating expense®, the total ©oat of which was #3#l?2»fl. This Inventory also reflects a proposed eale prim to the District for this material In the amount of #2,076.00, which %M considered fair and Just, particularly i» view of the foot four of the I t e m of dfHffMfm &re now and many of the tools ware /r^ purchased this year. it was Mr. Bennett1 a r i m that sines no provision is Hfei# In the s&ls for the sale of these tools and egadje* moat to the District that the attached inventory should be aside and the matter taken up with the District to ascertain whether they deeire to purchase this material, and if eo, we would issue a M i l of Sale ehl Sill Collectible against the District in a separate tremaetiaa outside of the Sale Agreement. This inventory wee submitted to Mr. Boushev, Central Marnier of the District, with the request that he quickly advise whether the District deelfw to purchase this mterial at the-proposed sale price o f t2«Q?6»G0» If the District desires to purchase this material, would like to have Mr. Ho.inha.rat authorise me to to the District for the amount of $2 ,076*08* as indicated in the attached inventory, or some other ©mount which I may be aide to negotiate with Mr* ftemhgv, of the District, sifter he test had en #fp#rtiuslty to review the inventory and decide whether he wishes to accept all or any pert of the materiel Inventoried, at prices which we may a g r e e upon* L* B« y I a t t a c h m e n t LRMieJp