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Mr. Reinhardt: May 9, 19^9 way of reducing the minimum lot size, eliminating street ^Lights and other requirements listed in the City ordinance and which other subdividers had to comply with. -2- 3. Our last General Balance Sheet reflects that we have over $122,500 in Account 173 -"Donations subject to complete or partial, refund" to which these water main advances are credited. We have been refunding on the basis of 50/» of the revenues, but with the adoption of the proposed new refund rule, we would probably be called upon to immediately dissipate the bulk of money in this account, as the majority of sub- ,~r divisions furnished with water under Rule 9-A are pretty well built up, with the outstanding exception of the McNeil tract. Those depositors who could not qualify for immediate refunds would feel that they were being discriminated against, resulting in more complaints. 4. It is noted no 50-ft. limitation is placed on the proposed new rule, such as we now have on Rule 9-A, and this 50-ft. margin has been of considerable assistance to us in the case of off-line connections. Our original Rule 9-C in effect during the War Emergency also provided for completion of the houses, and hence the contract, in not to exceed two years for housing projects and it might be advisable to retain IMm JL/ I . ?- this feature. 5. While no mention is made of the cost of "approach piping" I assume its cost would also be considered in arriving at the average cost of 50 feet of'main refundable for each house completed within the tract. In the case of Crestwood Homes, as an example, a long run of approach piping was required i to arrive at the tract, resulting in a cost of about I $500 per house for the 36 houses to be served with the water main. Under the proposed new rule, it would pay the subdivider to install dummy tenants in his houses with rent free for the first 90 days in I order to get back his water main costs. f 2 t A 4* General speaking, the feeling here in Las Vegas is that the present Rule 9-A is about as fair and equitable as can be made to cover all canes. At the time this rule was placed in effect, we canvassed various California and Nevada utilities fox’ a basis for our rule. Some of them refunded -2-