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    •1 I I Statistical Data Concerning Population and Revenues Tears 1930 to 1942, Inclusive Year (1) Total Gross Revenue (2) Gross Commercial Revenue (3) $Estlmated Population (4) Number of Customers (per J*H*H* Report) (5) Average Humber of Persona per Customer (6) Total G ross Revenue per Capita ( 1 1 ......... . G ross Comae rolal Revenue per Capita (8) Total Gross Revenue per Customer 19) G ro ss' i pa Com m ercial Revenue p e r Customer (10) 1930 $30 360 $29 897 5 500 1 397 3*94 $5*52 #5*44 $21.73 #21*40 *1931 38 012 37 361 7 000 1 590 4*40 5*43 5*34 23*91 23*50 1932 50 943 44 480 8 500 1 801 4*72 5*99 5 a 23 28*29 24*70 1933 50 871 44 577 8 500 1 787 4*76 5*98 5*24 26*47 24*95 19 34 51 705 46 980 9 000 1 683 4*78 5*75 5*22 27*46 24*95 *1935 51 666 47 630 9 000 1 886 4*77 5*74 5*29 27*39 25*25 1936 50 644 48 105 8 000 1 935 4*13 6*33 6*01 26*17 24*86 1937 52 399 50 016 8 100 ' 1 994 4*06 6*•47 6.17 26.28 25*08 1938 53 313 51 328 8 200 2 062 3*98 6*50 6*26 25*85 24*89 1939 55 710 53 687 8 300 2 148 3*86 6*71 6*47 25.94 24*99 1940 59 811 57 090 8 700 2 273 3*83 6*87 6*56 26*31 25c 12 &194L 64 436 61 147 12 000 2 467 4*86 5*37 5*10 26*12 24.79 1942 x 77 490 x73 890 20 000 x3 386 5*91 3*87 3*69 22*89 21*82 * Boulder Dam started April 1931 and o cm pie ted June 1935* & Basic liagnesium Plant construction started Sept* 13, 1941* x# PiSosptuilmaattiedon figures are estimated averages for the year* Decrease Compared with Previous Year Cross i Total Cross jCommercial Populafclon | Revenue Revenue (11) j (12) j (13) 4• 27$ 4 25$ 4•• 25$ *L T 21$ «A» 34$ iT 19$ 0$ I — 0*14$| J«iL 0.22$ * t | 4 1.64$ 4 5$ o$ ! — 0*08$| j.s V p — n$ — 2$ JL m i$ 4 i$ 4 3$ 4# 4$ •• i$ | *# 2$ 4• 3$ 4 i$ 4 4$ j 4• 4$ 4 5$ 4 7$ 4 , 6$ 4 38$ { 4 8$ 4*• • Tft/f 49•* 83$ +#a 20$ 4 21$ L o s A n g e le s , C a l i f • • J u l y 3 , 1942®