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officials contemplate that in addition to apart- acute and rooming houses this will require some 2,000 houses. the early stages of m s project a separate town site has been contemplated, eater to be furnished from lake Mead, but no substantial progress to- that end has been made. Apparently the townsits project has become a political football# and it now seems doubtful that housing from this source till be available when needed. We have no way of determining what the answer will be. If the tovnslte project fails and FHA projects bring about the construction of homes, apartments and rooming houses In las Vegas to accommodate an increase in population of perhaps 1 0 ,000# our peak requirements might reach 10 or 11 million IB»®. In suoh event the production that would be made available by carrying out our budget recommendation vculd prove insufficient, end additional wells and other facilities would have to be provided. (b) Regardless of the outcome of the tewnsite program and whatever expansion may occur in Boulder City, we onn foresee an appreciable increase in population to the City of has Vegas, and It is toseoem- modate this practically certain increase in population that we have provided for additional wells, which, if both are required, would increase ©ur production capacity from the anticipated l$hl production of 6,500,000 OF® to an estimated l|U2 total available to the water Company of g,150,000 OP®. be propose to spread these two wells out to the south, not only to keep them away from the drainage areas of existing wells but also to determine the productive capacity of our recently acquired property. Item b. It is proposed to install booster pumps at the reservoir in order to increase the capacity of our two delivery mains and also provide sufficient pressure to Utilise this water In the distribution system. Two pumps of different capacities are proposed to mike the system flexible. These pumps will only be used during peak periods. During the remainder of the time the water tall be bypassed around the pumps. By this arrangement we will be able to take oare of the additional water requirements, up to the amount herein contemplated, In our distribution system without materially changing the present pressure on this system.