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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    —— - ?»« «**** uu mm oq&z o f t June S# 1950 W 2>1~5*> Dr. D. 2. Healing ton L1a3e1 HVee*g as3,r dNevada Dear Doctors Keferring to our conference with refer* enoe to the Las Vegas Land and Water Company taking over operation of the water pipe line in your tract south of Ghalreston Boulevard* | have disoussed this with our offiolals and w# are hardly in a position to aeespt your pips line as a donation without giving you something in return for it. Under our refund agr&ngaaent, If you are willing to advance the oost of connection fee* tween the nearest water main in Westwood Park to your own line, we could has® the refund on the oost of such connection plus the value of the line you have already installed# Will he glad to discuss the subject further with you at your convenience, or if the above proposal is satisfactory to you pleass let me know and 1 will arrange for preparation of usual form of agreement* Very truly yours. General Manager