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    upprovod, *»d that tbo of f ion ro of this ooopaay a m nuthorlsod to •limit a ad i t U m •««•• On a e U m duly s«iml«dl it «»• RESOLVED, llil tiwi notion of Floo~Pto«idont Kaiokorbeokor in oaooutlag lottor agrotnoat nitb Lynch Construction Coapnay, d&tod i, l«M, to e«»f Ite furnishing of lain and waliilal to nato oortaia altorations to traofc noaloo la paoking botino loeatod ot Valaut and Poaoaa Stsoota, Fullerton, California, oonoidoratio* 1383.00, bo, and tbo naao in boroby, ratified, upprovod and eottf liaod* Oft notion oooondnd, it «•• 8t80bTI&i lk»t tbo notion of Fioo*Pronidoat Snionorbookor la signing lottor ttniaiAi, datod Sovoabot II, XIII, will lyn«8 Con* atruction CoajNWf, to pit; furnishing of lotto* and notarial and installing owoot toon Is footing hotM ot ftlri and Fins Streets, Rivnrnido, Cal 11 urn in, and othnr iaoideatal nook, this being 0 0 v*rod by joint telogmn Sovoober §, lf3t, to Mr* V* M. Jofforo, and appro** #d by M s F*Tt of Sovoabor ?tb, oonsidaratien $©aO*0b, bo, tbo oa&o in boroby, ratified, approved and ooofitiiod* On station Inly nooooded, it wan RESOLVED, tbot tbo notion of F loo* Pros Ido &t Kniokerbooknr H one outing agree sent botoooo thin oonpnay aod V. J. Rhoades, toslrsfildi, date* Soveabor 34, 1&34, providing for tbo re&eoal of ©or tain onto* pipe Xiao it is lardio Addition and a portion of those in Minkin* * Addition, in boo Fegan, Bovadu, band and inter Conpusy to furnish material and contractor perform labor, for *hi«h tbo lottos in to bo paid a oust ostial to MX cents for each lineal foot of trsnoh dug, etc*, tbin project being covered by A.F.I* So* 8 (Fork Or dor So* SOX) approval Bovendor a, 1 334, bn, and tbo nano in boroby, ratified, approved and oouflmod* On not loo duly oeoanded, it nan ESSOLFES, that tbo aotloo of tbo Proo ident and Assistant Ssorstary io n no out lag and dal iv* ring ugfosnsnt botwons tblo con puny and tbo Font«r» Calf Oil Conpusy, datdd Gotober 31, 1334, devoting oil and gun loan# upon certain paresis of load ia Tract So* ffff# County of bon Angel#*, Stats of California, ism of loan# bn event