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V fa te of To Be Decided Voters of the Las Vegas valley area will go to the polls tomorrow to decide the future of this section when they vote on the proposal to establish a water district to bring water" into the section. In visiting the polls the voters not only will "Vote yes or no on the proposal, but also will Vote for the member's of the board o f ' directors of the district if it is formed. So the voters will have two tasks, on the one ballot— to vote for or against the water district and to. select the seven candidates they wish to represent them on the board of direc- !tors. The board members will be selected “at large,” ?which means that every voter will have .the opportunity to vote for a director from each of the seven districts. In other wordsi each Voter will vote for one director Horn each of the seven districts: and the di- . rectors will not be elected by leach district separately. I The districts and the polling places have been set up as follows: D istrict 1—Polling place is the ] fire station in North Las Vegas | and voters registered ip North i Las Vegas and Vegas Heights I will vote there. • D istrict 2—Polling, place is the, ] Clark County Welfare building on the Westside and voters reg-. j istered in Las Vegas precincts: i 8, 9, 11, 16, 23,-30 and 32 will vote ' I there..- . >? . . "District 3—Polling place is the War Memorial building a n d ?voters registered in Las Ye§as 'precincts 1, 5, 10, 13, 24 and_25 Will vote there. District 4 — Polling place is Herb Waldman’s Motor company, 1715 East Fremont and voters ‘registered in Las Vegas precincts |14, 15, 21, 22, 28 and 29 will vote there. ; District 5 — Polling place is r Catholic recreation hall and 'voters registered in Las Vegas !precincts 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 19 and 20 [will vote there, ’ District Tuesday District 6 — Polling place is Rosevear’s Paint shop, 715 South Fifth, . and voters registered in Las Vegas precincts 12, .17, 18, 26, 27 and 31 and in Paradise valley and Sunrise Acres will vote there, j- District V—Polling place is the language room in the Basic high school and voters registered in Henderson* Carver Park, Victory Village and Pittman will vote there; . .. . § , A-Jjconcerted cam paign to get P ut the v ote” has. been w aged for the past several-w eeks, with the proponents o f the w ater district pointing out that the grow th of the entire Las Vegas valley area depends on approval o f the water district .proposal. Som e opposition has been developing of late, m ostly from the H enderson section, w hich is fearful that the proposal m ight endanger the life o f the plant at Basic. , It has been pointed out by legal authorities that there is no chance whatever for such an occurrence because the needs of the i plant will be' considered first, above all else, before water will be shunted- .off into the Vegas, valley. It also has been pointed: out that, e^fcn when Basic was; making magnesium, a process which needed a huge amount more water than the present or future industries w ill, use, the pipe line from Lake Mead wag running only* at about 85 pen cent of its capacity. : L ocal leaders, w h o have m ade a long and careful study o f the entire project, have been urging passage of the proposal, declaring that the on ly hope fo r expansion o f both industry and population in the entire.valley, the H enderson area included, < is in setting up .the water district.