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    ?h:i :y.-sn m APPEN DIX A W ater D is trict. BM I shall pay said amounts to said State or C om m ission on beh alf of the W ater D is tr ict. (c) The quantities of e le c tr ic en ergy r e fe r r e d to in su b p a ra ­graph (b) (2) above shall be determ ined on the b a sis of the average nu m ­b er of kilow att hours p er m illion gallons fo r all water pum ped and d e ­liv e r e d b y and through said Water F a cilitie s to all con su m ers of water th e re fro m . Said average shall be com puted fo r any p e rio d or p erio d s o f tim e n e c e s s a r y to determ ine the en ergy ch arges in the re sp e ctiv e p ow er pum ping con tracts of BMI and the W ater D is tr ict. REN EGO TIATION OF CHARGES FO R D E LIV E R Y OF W ATER 25. The p a rties to this agreem ent h ereb y d e cla re it to be their intention that BMI shall neither sustain a lo s s nor m ake a p ro fit fr o m the p e rfo rm a n ce of this agreem ent, and to c a r r y out said intention, said p a r tie s , or either of them , shall be entitled to ren egotia te, in co n fo rm ity with Section s 23 and 24 h ereof, the ch arges fo r the d e liv e ry o f w ater hereunder in the m anner p rov id ed in this section . Said ch a rges m ay be ren egotiated on the application of either p arty each year during the fir s t three yea rs of d e liv e ry of water hereu n der, and th ereafter at th r e e -y e a r in terv a ls. Not later than sixty (60) days p r io r to the next annual accounting p e rio d fo r which ch arges m ay be ren egotiated, either p a rty m ay m ake w ritten application to the other to ren egotiate the ch a rg es to be co lle c te d hereu n der. Said application shall sp e cify the item s of expen se p ro p o s e d to be ren egotiated and the changes p ro p o s e d th erein , togeth er with a b r ie f su m m ary of rea son s th e re fo r. Not la ter than seven (7) days after the re ce ip t of such n otice, the p arty upon whom said n otice is se rv e d shall m eet with the other p arty fo r the pu rp ose of renegotiating the m atters r e fe r r e d to in said application. If the p arty upon whom said n otice is serv ed shall fa il to m eet with the other within said seven (7) days, or if both p a rties m eet but fa il to re a ch agreem en t on ren egotia tion within fou rteen (14) days of their fir s t m eeting, the p arty who shall have m ade said app lication m ay have the m atter d eterm in ed either b y a r b itr a ­tion or cou rt p ro ce e d in g s. Nothing in this section shall be d eem ed to p reclu d e the p a rties h ereto fr o m join tly consenting to ren egotiate the ch a rg es h erein p rov id ed at any tim e or tim es a greed upon b y the p a rties h ereto. A -9