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    Mif 22, 1953 1¥ 23-1-122' f c ftUMKMI b* M g M A S M m a a , M a M of PlreetMMF* J*&# f e i& s V e & U gr W a t e r S&strlot 135 sonth bth street L&& ¥*ge*« terede ©o* Peer Mr, Ctepfcells boo: lane* It, m & t g m m V ' E. E. Bennett (** Is ©©nfi#©tiost with additions to the prepertj of the Hater |j| p«nj* tiMi cost of w M a h will be ©died t© the tell© pereteie prise under t m terse of the prepeeed contrast for eele ©J tht inter- sgreten to the | « ?«gan VeSXey infer Playlet, * am •©ItititJi 3§i|§ herewith, on# oopj tf ©nr of S r a f t i w i?cp#tiiitsr©8s# severing s®n» irsefloii of the following deanrleed project,, which it %m proposed to esnetrust under the conditions aoted on the $*flN» of the eetieete* QomM%mi&% 1125 If 5* cast Iron pipe lino to sore# Inin#trial Are© was t of Main Strait between #«SMMt§ Street and Hocrtr a v o r o o . | an also tending you, herewith, on# print of M | drawing dated May 22 $ 1953 showing location of proposed pip® line. If jos agree fb©« the incision of, the cost of the above pro­ject say b# properIf added to tilt basic pumtes© price sndtr the proposed oontract eentieiied above,. will jott please intd£— cat®9 yeur approval in the spa## provided on the carbon ©epjr of this letter," which is sent $ m in duplicate, and return tm m f ?e*y feely few*#* L. R* Mm *'/ hJm/dm See* 3 Approved this --- --- day of ...................1 __ , 1953 SStCS&n, Board of Director®