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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas Valley Water District RCarioslsrionagds , Collection and Transmission Facilities Pipe lines Of Predecessor Company Serving As at December 31, 1950 Industries Item Quantity Appraisal Amount Allocated Cost Had^road CxtwsingM 24” Crossing at Charleston ELvd* $ 1,800.00 $ 1,244.00 16” Crossings 17,300.00 11,961.00 Repaving 24” on Charleston HLvdo 2,500 SF 1,250.00 864.00 Repaving 16” 5,000 SF 2,500.00 1,728.00 Total Railroad Crossings $22,850.00 $15,797.00 Pipelines Serving. Industries: Along Jfein St. and Bonanza Rd»t 4” CIP, Class 150 6” CIP, Class 150 240 LF 3,276 LF $ 500.00 9,170.00 $ 6,334369..0000 Valves and Rydrants: 4” AB 6” AB 4S"u pFpiorrte Hfyodrr Ra.nRt.s Trade Crossing 6 5 4 3 240.00 335.00 1,550902..0000 166.00 232.00 409.00 1,037.00 Total Pipe lines Serving Industries $12,337.00 $ 3,529.00