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    e* £. B AlJG 30 1935 s 4 i i Omaha, August %6, 1 Mr, B,H, Bratmr * Salt Lake: In connection with Mr, ©eorge Smith’s latter of Jaagust Sfri relative to filing ©a underground waters in tli&hi Ifou th©mM pro ©sod to dare lop information for the Oregon Short line and LM8L and I will amngt to hare Sr, Adamson derelop the necessary information for the Onion Baoifio* and obtain & copy of the net referred to fey Sr, Smith, also a eopy of the blank* upon whieh is indicated the information eiii eh tarns % be dereleped, »© that we ean get started on this work on the Union faoifie. Will you please contact State Engi neer * a office K ,C ,M M U CC-Mr. <i ,H. Mr .0 , a.i ^Bagda wtf*co-mSaalht aLake Beanett~L©s Angelas Mr, d, 1,Adams© A-0?aa&m