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    Hr* W* E, Hankins, S a tter H o sp ita l. Sacramento, C a l i f , My dear B i l l : I hare Been tr y in g to writ® yon fo r some days, but p r io r to our c e le b r a tio n o f the 17th and s in c e , have been so busy that 1 have n eg lected doing s o , though I learned through E s te lla that each day you are improving and hope i t w i l l not be lo n g b efore you w il l be back w ith us* When you resig n ed on Tax Commission, Governor Balzar w ired me im m ediately to name your su ccessor and a ft e r con su ltin g w ith one or two o th e rs, we immediately named Ed C lark and he accep ted , but a day or so la te r a ft e r thinking th in gs ov er, found i t would be im­p o s s ib le fo r him to atten d to h is d u ties here and a lso on the Tax Commission, so on Sunday he wired the Governor to th is e f f e c t and a ft e r con su ltin g w ith Beo and two or three oth ers o f the Bepubliean County Central Gonsaittee, we w ired the Governor t o name J, Warren Woodard whom he appointed by lon g d ista n ce 'phone yesterday and Woody l e f t fo r Carson C ity a t f i v e o ’ c lo c k la s t night t o he in attendance a t the meeting o f the 23rd* When in conference w ith Woody and tteo yesterday a ftern oon , I r e a lly b e lie v e we made no m istake in the appointment as he seemed very w e ll versed in ta x m atters, e s p e c ia lly in our tro u b le s which are a t th is time h old in g up the Tax Commission, Are you g e ttin g our d a ily panere so that you can keep up w ith movements here or s h a ll I send them to you u n t il you retu rn ? Everything a t the Bank moves alon g in about th e same way and nothing e x c itin g on the ou tside* S in ce re ly hoping th at you are improving very fa s t and with much lo v e from Anna and m yself, I am Yours t r u ly .