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    E x h ib it A E a se m e n ts G ra n ted to L a s V e g a s L a n d and W ater Company-right to enter upon the p rop erty h ereb y con veyed fo r the purpose o f m a in ­taining, rep a irin g , renew ing or rem ovin g said w ater m ain. The w ater m ain so excep ted and the easem en t so r e s e r v e d are situate in the extrem e Southeast co rn e r o f S ection 27, Township 20 South, Range 61 E ast, M .D .B . & M . bearing N orth 28*01' E ast 2 2 .5 feet along the N orth erly prolon gation o f the alley in B lock 8 o f B ucks Subdivision; thence North 82*45' E ast 14.7 feet to the W esterly line o f Ninth S treet. 4. D eed fr o m L as V egas Land and W ater Com pany, a corp ora tion , to C orp oration o f the P resid in g B ishop o f the C hurch o f Jesu s C h rist of L atter Day Saints, a Utah C orp oration so le , dated N ovem ber 3, 1952, and re c o r d e d N ovem ber 18, 1952, as D ocum ent N o. 395131, C lark County, Nevada r e c o r d s , excep ts and r e s e r v e s as fo llo w s: "TH IRD : An 8-in ch w ater m ain and an easem ent fo r said w ater m ain together with the right to enter upon the p rop erty h ereby con veyed fo r the purpose o f m aintaining, rep a irin g , renew ing or rem ovin g said water m ain. The cen ter line o f said easem en t fo r said w ater m ain is d e scrib e d as follo w s: Beginning at a point on the W est line of the above d e scrib e d p a r ce l o f land distant th ereon South 13®04'30" W est 2 .2 feet fr o m the con crete m onum ent set at the Southwest corn er o f said 4 .0 a cre p a r ce l of land (Stewart B urial P lat); thence South 7 7 “ 3 0 '4 0 " E ast 489-7 feet to a point on the W esterly line of said N orth Fifth S treet, fr o m which point said con crete m onum ent set at the Southeast co rn e r o f said 4 .0 a cre p a r ce l o f land (Stewart B u rial Plat) b ea rs N orth 27*11' W est 132.03 feet. "FO U R TH : An existin g w ater w ell situated in and on the p rop erty h ereb y con veyed and loca te d at a point fr o m w hich the co n crete m onum ent set at the N ortheast co rn e r o f said 4 .0 a cre p a r ce l o f land (Stew ard B u rial Plat) bears N orth 23“11'50" W est 236.95 fe e t. "F IF T H : An easem ent fo r the op eration of and a cce s s to the w ater w ell d e scrib e d next above, togeth er with the right to enter upon the p rop erty h ereb y con veyed fo r the p u rpose o f m aintaining, rep a irin g, renew ing or recon stru ctin g said w ell, or m aking such changes or alterations as m ay be deem ed n e ce s s a ry to said w ater w ell, said easem ent being m ore p a rticu la rly d e scrib e d as follo w s: C om m encing at the con crete m onum ent set at the N ortheast co rn e r of said 4 .0 a cre p a r ce l o f land (Stewart B u rial P lat); thence South 23*11'50" P a g e 15