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I agree.2 Your statement Mo, 3 f o r the Month o f September should a ls o be corrected due to the fa c t that in a r r iv in g a t th is t o t a l o f water metered and non-metered you have used the t o t a l amount recorded as p assin g through the Charleston Boulevard meter, o r 92,876,000 g a llo n s . Our Water S ervice foreman ad— v is e s th at the p ip e lin e from the new r e s e r v o ir le a d in g to Charleston Boulevard was running a l i t t l e more than h a lf f u l l o f w ater and the meter was rem lsterim r aa f f It Has lin e uno vihm ning f u l l o f w ater and he estim ates the c o rre c t'Q u a n tity o f water p assin g through th is lin e as be in g 57,142,800 g a llo n s , which makes a d iffe re n c e o f 35,733.800 g a llo n s * Deducting th is amount from your fig u re o f 348,702,900 g a llo n s , le a v e s a correct qu an tity o f water d e liv e re d to LWL&W Oo. in month o f September as being 312,468,700 g a llo n s . In p re p a rin g our statement to Mr. A. M. F o lger o f water produced and consumed a t Las Vegas fo r com piling h is annual rep o rt to Nevada P u b lic Service Commission, we w i l l use the corrected fig u re s a s shown above. V. W. Smith c.