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FRIDAY MORNING:, MAY 8, 1931 = EIGHT INJURED ‘COLDEST’ COLD EVER REACHED IN U. S. LIQUEFIES HELIUM GAS AT , SACRAMENTO- Or-’, May j(fe— .Eight persons were injure :T and hundreds ex e-.trsi lr.’ whan 1 plate,, glass, ^nd, . pieces 8® concrete sidewalk \<fere hiu'lea-sixty feet by,a’gas :ex©i 1 . tore fee 'Incut from a. cldAvif.o\vn, .jeivi'biy s ore. building. c.V fivp. c’elude today when move than ten thousand psr- sens' were leaving their work. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE CALLING FOR BIDS ON AUTOMOBILE f Notice Is. Hereby Given, that, pur­suant . to a resolution adopted ./by the Board of County Commissioners of Clark County. Nevada-, at. .a reg­ular meeting held on the Gih day of Afw-il, T.93-Iy, bisfe will be-received by tiie •CountyCierk.of said County, up to 10 % m. fee Twentieth day of May, 1931, for the furnishing to the isaid. County of Clark, one new automobile! i Said .-'automobile must weigh no: less than dred ?' pounds 'and . have " a .capacity of not- less, than five passengers. Saidautompbile -must .also have ;p- valled, thereon, the following equipt meii|:'Six eight ply. heavy duty tiles, six puncture proof tire tubes, one. S.ireir driven by friction from .crank shaft, one, S. & M. eight inch left- hand red light and cue S. & M eight: inch spot light- i All: bids'must -be delivered 1 | said Clerk before the- time mention­ed herein and mast, he sealed Ur opaque envelopes and marked .-“Bid «si- Automobile,”' r Said ? envelopes must uo addressed: to: fed bounty Clerk: of' Clark ‘ cPuniy, Las Vegas. ..Nevada. ?- '''.Bids will be opened by -said-Board of County Commissioners at n re­cessed regular-ineefeig-do Sl> held on fee said 2(1 th day of May, K>”t. in the Commtes.ibhe'rs’ room in 'fee County Court House at Las Ve;u\- Nevada. Said Board -of County Commis - sioners expressly Reserves the fight to reject any and Ml-hids;- - Dated -at Las Vegas. Nevada,, this 13th day of April. 1031. ? WM L, SCOTT, County Clerk and Ex-Official Clerk of the. Board of Cbunhy CbmifMssion- % ers of Clark County, Nevada. (Seal) apl-1 to in 19 incl [ WASHINGTON, i Pi-lhs, “cold- J,est” cold ever produced in the | United States, 456 degrees below I zero Fahrenheit, has just been cre- ! ate-d a',, the Bureau ol 'Standards: ? 'lhat 'i>: seven amis as cold as I the weather bureau’s record low j whites, tempera1 ure, .65 below. . j Scientfes created this new -low i in , the labcratory to turn' helium J ga-s into :liquid, the first -time this i has been.- , accomplished in -fee , United States. ; Helium is the most- difficult lb l liquefy cf all gases. It was' lique- j fled as part of the bureau’s experi­ments to see how various sub- I"stances act at extremely low tem- 1 r-cra urcs. Dr. F. G. Brickwedds, ; -J. W. Cook; R. B. Scott1 and; J;. ,M. I Smoot worked together on fee process.. In liquefying helium, the sci­entists approached within three and I a: half degrees: of ‘-absolute;’1 zero,” I 459.4 dc-gpe;.?,. below , zero Fa-hrsn- I a coi-ci never yet prcduced: on i earfe. Helium liquefies at 451 -be- j low, but 456 was actually' at tained during the .experiment. k Xsvo- substancesy several 1 irnes:. as ]-cold ,las iec .("are -Ciised as fee: r6- i: fjjfesrauts. First, liquid air was -i-iSscf tv bin'll hydrogen gas into liquid. The liquid hydrogen in turn ! seryed' to ccaidmsc the 'helium, j A series .of. heavily- insulated metr 1 al cases,'- one inside the other, ! served- aa-the apparatus to -liquefy j helium, which , flowed through a { coil and was .put under pressure of i 260 pounds . to the square inch. The stu.cae.s. may shed light on, why metals like tin and . lead, ordi­narily poor conductors of electricl- ty. become: perfect-conductors when extremely- c eld At present no one knows the reason.... 'Conner, gold and. silver, the best electrical cbpduetprs Y at ordinary tdanpefeilures felo not- become per­fect. . c'nifluoAuG at: low -tempera­tures, however: i 'll WMmmmmmm §? M I Mml ?fiSa §s m ;Dr. F. G. RrickweMe deft) and J. W. Cook wifil they produced. coldest tempera, lure ever cr;::| 456 below zero, tc- liquefy hehu in gts. |J - NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Bids Wanted for Highway Im­provement Sealed proposals--will bo received by the midexsigned at 2:30 p. in;;,. May 20, 1931, for. fee constfec+j.on of jg: -reinforced concrete bridge ag- prdxiinat&ly- LOCO -feet-longy includ­ing-; approaches. This' structure v/ill cross the ! Virgin River-at a point between Mesquite and Bunkerville, in ? Clark county. . Plans and specifications may be examinecFat the cilice of fee under- sighed;' the- County Clerk’s Office at has Vegas; the Highway. Depart­ment Division: Offices - at - Reno ? and Las Vegas; and at fee-district'office of the Bureau of Public Roads, 461 Market Street, San Francisco. -Plans, form of proposal, contract and spec­ifications may be secured through the office of the undersigned: A1 d - posit of fifteen dollars ($15.0B>‘ -is required for eacji copy ’of1 fee plans wife specifications; fefi dollars; ($10.00)' of which will be refunded upon retui'n of the -plans: :,in good condition within -thirty (30) days after the opening of bids. Bids must ?bel Ion the proposal form of the Highway D^paitmcpt aud runs be accompanied by a certified check in the:: amount.of feye'.!per-cent (5%) pi bid. I , - Each bidder, must-: accompany his bicji'with certificate from a -surety eoiMpany- duly autiioriz.ed to do bus- ipeiss in Nevada, stafeig; that Isuch suref-y company will provide said with bond in such sum as is - required ,in .9 ud in accordance with the 'provisions of- said specifications, conditioned for faithful perform­ance of the. contract and1 specifica­tions. S. C. DURKEE, State Highway Engineer, Carson City, Nevada. 1 Oil ,-to 2.1 inc PROCEEDINGS IN DISTRICT COURT . Hon. Wm. E. Orr,-;.District Judge, • ; presiding. I May 7th ,r In Tie matter of the estate of ! Charles M: Robinson, deceased. Ham &, Taylor, attorneys for said estate, j Hearing : on petition ieofitlnued to I May 23 at 9 50 . a m, | Samuel R. Spencer, piafetiir. vs. j Fio-fence L. -SpeiicCr. defendaiif E. IF, Dupray, attorney, for plaintiff. [ Decree of divorce granted. | Wanda: E.-Hofst, plaintiff, vs. Paul S S‘: Horst,, defendant. Julian Thrus- ton and George E. 'Marshall,! at tor- | neys for plaintiff. Decree, of divorce • granted. ? Robert B. Sharkey, plaintiff, vs. • EliaM. Sharkey, defendant. C. D. J Breeze, attorney; for plaintiff/ Do- ! creg of divorce granted. I - Lela Mae Gordon, plaintiff, vs. ; Gussic Gordon,. defendant. Harley A - Harrnpn,;- -attorney for,, plaintiff, j j Decree of divorce granted. . f AFTERNOON SESSION The State of Nevada, plaintiff, vs. i j G. F. Kelley,: defendant. Harley A,! Harmon, district attorney;1 appear- j i-ng for plaintiff; Guy E, Baker, ap- j ! psaring: for defendant- Counsel for, i the defendant represents " to the i I court that it is satisfactory wife i | the .defendant in this base that said I case go- over- this'term of cour t with- j | Put: tidal. -Matter will be called dpi i at later date' for setting., ? -? j 'The-State, of Nevada,-plaintiff, vs. j ! Joins iJ. DeVine, defendant. Harley, I A, Harmon, district attorney, at-tor- j i ney for plaintiff; Roger Foley ap- [ pointed by court as attorney for j defendant. As'raigmncnt and,.vtime I for pleading set for May 9 at 10:15 j ! a. iss. SUITS FILED IN 'DISTRICT COURT William T. Hoktraii vs. Mabel T. Holdiah, divorce. Extreme Cruelty charged- in complaint. No children and no community property, i I. S. Thompson, attorney for plaintiff. Flora'M. Maddox v-S. Carl C. dox,-;divorce: Failure:,’to- provide- is charged in. complaint. No children and no community property. Har­mon <&, Salter, auorneys for plain­tiff. Laurence 15. Crimm vs, Martha L. Crinim, divorce. 'Complam- alleged extreme1 cruelty; No community property, two minor sons; in custody of plaintiff. I. S. Thompson,, attor- ney - for plaintiff. —Harry Rabinoff.. vs. Eva Rabinoff, ffivorCAv Complaint charges-extreme cruelty. No community property, one minor daughter aged nine. E. N. Du­pray, attorney for plaintiff. Geo. E. Stoddard vs. Lillian Stod­dard, divorce: Complaint/ alleges cruelty. There , is no community property and no children. Stoddard appears' as iris own attorney.' Prudence. Ryerson vs. Harold .S. Ry-erso'n, divorce. Complaint charges' extreme . cruelty No cM-drer. and no community property. Lewis- and Ragsdale, attorneys for'plain iff ?’ STATE - . PHOKNlN,) Additional hi cd cactus pil state 'liiw,.. -li’al enac'.t’vc'.u 6J fes Ocijver. cactus -Lwre-n] a .ENJOI LINCOLN SIGNATURE FOUND • CONCORD, N. H„ May 5. (UR)—' A full signature-of. Abraham Lin­coln,-rar-e because he usually signed his .name merely as ,‘A. Lincoln,” has. been uncovered here by Otis G. Hammond, director of the New Hampshire, Historical society. ? The autograph appears on the -brigadief- geneiai’s (commission granted by President . Lincoln nearly three- quarters -of a centu:-y ago to Gil- an Marsion of Exeter, Fount! Fill r-l-Tf>T' "..-‘-I Straight From Paris s SUMMONS- No. 2744 In the Eighth Judicial District | Court of the State of Nevada,) in ] and for the County of Clark $22JfJ0 Cash For Limii Miller’s Improvj 440 Acre Alfalfa R ??h Just outside of LAS -VEGAS is .MILLER’S _ R. R. to BOULDER DA51 runs across one cl loom, ditched, checked, watered and fenced hogj wells flowing into three large reservoirs. Idl MONET may be made supplying LAS VEGAs] TRICT, OR SUBDIVIDERS may seli in SffialL ranches, WORKERS on BOULDER DAM sh these desirable farms, and same may lie sold I NESS MEN and others seeking SUBURBAN Shown to responsible parties by C " JOHN F. MILLE '* LAS VEGAS,^.NEVADA : m Plaintiff, j J. D7 UTLEY, vs., LOUISE MOISANT UTLEY, Defendant. m The State of Nevada Sends Greet/ Bigs to Said Defendant: Y@u are hereby summoned .t.o*ap;- 1 pear within ten days after the’ sliw- iqe upon you of this Summons if served in . said County, or within j twenty -days, if'served, out, of said Comity buf within said Judicial Dis- feKL and in all oth-er cases within I fojir.y days (exclusive of the-day of! service), and. defend the above-. entitled action. ..This action is brought to dissolve fe|| bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between fee plain- j -tiff and the defendant herein, on! ?tlfe ground of willful desertion of f plaintiff by defendant for a period i of one year, asp fully appears in ! pfentiff’s complaint on file in said- j action, to which reference is hereby 1 made. : Gated this 2nd day of .Mav A D I 193l.‘ 1 | (Seal) . ...WM. L-. SCOTT, Clerk of-the I 1 Eighth Judicial District Court : of the State, of Nevada in and ! for' Clark-County, . Nevada, By Dorothy Keeler. Deputy | H. S. Laney, Attorney for Plaintiff, : 117 Carson St., Las Vegas, Nevada.. m8-15-22-29 i BOULDER CANYON STAi PASSENGER AND FREIGHT | Regular Trips to Boulder ^ Boat Landing Special Trips—Anywhere— —®- D<z.pi^rve,d b^ CKarvtai For,Sports WtOr Be-lie, Sumde, Clotk. Witk Bromiru Tr-irru. For information on Passenger Servic Hauling Call at 115 North Main street! OPERATING UNDl NEVADA STATE FRA1 ii ri r\^ .