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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    September 9, 1952 8A3n0d eSrsoount hD Faiirfyt h Las Vegas, Hevada Oentlomen * RefriAge rraetceinotn Msaucrhvienye si nhdaivciantge da yotuo taarle caoppearcaittiyn go f 65 tons* as appOruorv eSdc hbeyd ulteh e oPf ubBaltieos ,S erevfifceec tCiovmem iSsespitoenm,b eprr o1v, id1e95s1 *a s follows x Cooling Water for Refrigeration Machine - (a) One-half ton machine, or less #3*00 (b) Between § and 1-ton machine 3*50 Co) For each ton of capacity, or fraction thereof one ton 1.50 incluHdeerde toonfloyr e1,5 *0y0o ufro mro rnetfhlryi gbeirlalt ioonf s$e1r0v*i?c5e ,p ewrh emroenatsh bsahsoeudl du phoavne tbheee anb $o3v9e* 5r0a tepse r. tmhoen tchh,a rgoer fa ort ottahli s mosnetrhvliyc eb ill of jj" to $?A5t&t*aOc0h efdo rl at heo upre riinovdoi Jcaen ufaorry t1h,e btao laanndc e indculeu daimnogu nting August 31, 1 '52* will appreciate early remittance* Yours truly, W* H* Johnson