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I agree.m (2) new houses without considering the increase in housing facilities at Boulder City or the large number of tent houses and shacks that are springing up on private ground in the vicinity of the Magnesium plant for which local water is now being obtained. It would seem that in the absence of immediate development of another large plant at Las Vegas this building program is about all that can be anticipated. Messrs. McNeil and Harry Sheeline of the Federal Defense Housing Authority agree with our estimate for this year with respect to the McNeil development, and Mr. Folger feels that our figures are ample to take care of other known projected developments as well as the 275 miscellaneous homes. In this connection, it may be mentioned that the Water Co. had 2,293 services December 1, 1940, and during the year 194-1 increased 165 services to a total of 2,4-52. Estimating on the basis of a maximum of 9^0 additional houses to be constructed between now and the end of the summer maximum demand, and figuring three persons per house, and using the extravagant figure of 600 GPD per capita, we have: