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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    w 2 » 2 Mfcreh 15, 19h8 LMra.s AV.e gaE.s CEavhelnainng Re vlew-Journal Las Vegas, Revada Ds^r Als Referring to our oonversation a few days ago regarding the water at your residences l enclose report of Bacteriological Analysis, made hy local laboratory, and Chemioal Analysis, made by our Chemist at Omaha, both of which show OK. With regard to the Chemioal Analy­sis, It Is generally considered that 17 grains per gallon is a medium hard water, and we are just under that with 15*78* Possibly the “taste® that you mentioned may be due to keeping the drinking water in an open container. Water will pick up the taste of fruit, vegetables and food stored in the refrigerator un­less the water is kept in a closed container. We regularly take about lh samples per month from various locations in the City and while reports have been coming back for the past ho years as OK, we feel that “eternal vigilance is the price of safety®, fhe enclosed reports merely confirm your oft* repeated statement (And mine, too) that the clear, sparkling artesian water with which we are blessed is the best in the world, bar none. Very truly yours,