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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    \ i Bps iteBgreXe e, £ece®l«r 28, 1810* me 1X99 Mr. fsIter H. Breeden, .Agent, Ms fegas, fevads, fNs^.Sin - : fh© Sxiwsmtlre. CoBKlttse las antlorlsad the const root ion of twenty additional lenses for «©ployee« at rse.fega©* I wlals ym would send- m a plat of tie townsIts, indicating thereon 3&vt wist lots yon reooBrend we SipsId Intld on, end alee alow on tils Bay tie location of tie 40 lonsss recently eonstriated. I also wish yon would let wrimtm if you lore lad isore . demand for tie 4-roois or for' tie S-roorn losses, and yonr reoowamta tione as to ImiXtinf all 4-toob or all S-roo®, -or an eqnal »t»?lor of eaolu 1« are snxicms to got ef tie ceretrnotion of Hess looses as early as peertile, m*:.| slall la glad if yon will let no knot lave tie ©love infomstion at your early convenience* Wry truly ywrft* CC- Mr* W* E. Baser oft Mr. C. 0. flit lessors Mr* 8* I, Bettis