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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    MEMORANDUM Regarding operation of Springs and water wells at Las Vegas: Account increased water consumption due to warm weather, an additional man is being put on to take care of pumps, valves, etc., effective 11 P. M., May 18, 1950. This will make 3 men, and their working shifts will be 7 AM to 3 PM, 3 PM to 11 PM and 11 PM to 7 AM. A swing man will be used for relief account these regular men working 40-hr. week, and account swing assignment being more than 40 hrs. per week, will use one man from water service gang on Thursday nights on the 11 PM to 7 AM shift. All these men receive $1,738 per hour and no punitive overtime paid for their regular assigned hours. Prior to this third shift being put on, only 2 shifts were employed 7 AM to 3:30 PM and 4:00 PM to 12:30 AM with ^ hr. out for meals. John Snorf advises that it has been the practice when working two shifts for the pumps to be left operating after the man went off duty at 12:30 AM, but the valves between booster pumps and lines to town are partly closed down to keep the pressure down as the pressure builds up when the water consumption is down between 12:30 AM and 6 AM. This is particularly true on the Charleston Blvd. line for consumers west of the track as the pressure regulator valve in Charleston Blvd. is just east of the track. L. C. Conner c _ CC-RLA LRM W s H J MAY 19 1950