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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    COPY STATE OP NEVADA DEPARTMENT OP STATE ENGINEER Office of Las Vegas Artesian Well Supervisor Romm 8, Federal Building Las Vegas, Nevada Dec. 11, 1951 Mr. E.E. Bennett 422 West 6th St. Los Angeles, Cal. Dear Mr. Bennett: I wish to apologize for being so slow in answering your letter of Nov. 27th. regarding the hearing that is to be held Jan. 22, 1952 at Las Vegas. Prom what I read in the local News Papers there was a chance that it may be called off. However in any event I will be willing to testify and have the records you mentioned as nearly up to date as possible. The hydrograph showing the de­cline in water levels will be complete and also the pre­cipitation records. The annual pumpage or discharge of the Valley will be the hard figure to have at that time but if I get the Water Company’s figures along with the water used by the Rail Road Co. for 1951 I feel that I can come up with a fairly close figure. As I stated before I am willing to testify. However it may be better to serve me with a subpoena as the City will no doubt also call on me. Very truly yours (Sgd) Harry Jameson Harry Jameson Well Supervisor