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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Feg&s - M?roh 1 , 1948 # 18-6-2 :1& w 2 > 1 MP. L. A* Whites Supplementing' my le tte r February 26, trans­m itting Information fo r 1947 report to Public Service wosnalaslon, and confirming conversation with Mr. MeO&fferty, Saturday 28 th: From the footagea o f 4* oast Iron distribu ­tion mains lis t e d under item 8 there should be deducted 974° s covering retirements made in previous years as follow s: vo-475 (1943) 494* /WO-429 (1942) 480* Total 974T This would leave a tota l o f 53*522* in use at end of year and we w ill use this corrected figure as a basis in our subsequent annual reports to your o ffic e . WO*a 463 and M-2 were both charged to O.S. because th eir respective costs were under 1500, 00. However, the replacement o f Hedwood lin es with cast iron underneath South 5th Street in 1932 lis te d in report attached to our le tte r February 23 was also charged to O.E., although the cost was $1454.64. I en­close copy o f Mr. Bracken*s le tte r October 19, 1932, and Mr. Knickerbocker*a le t t e r November 8 . 1932, explaining this in sta lla tio n , * I telephoned Chairman Allard of the Public Service Commission Saturday fo r an extension o f time in which to f i l e our annual report; he could not consistently grant 30 days extension because he needs time in which to assemble his own figures fo r the Commissioner's meeting May 1st, However, he did grant us 20 days extension with a request that we f i l e our report before that time i f p ossible, I w ill send you a confirmation from hl„m as soon as i t is received by me. A, M. Folger