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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    L a s V egas* .Measurment o f Water 9 * # 9 Las Vegas* May 12,1927 Mr. I.F,Hack, Los Angeles. w . _ °“ the above date,Mr. G,Hardman, of the Nevada sta^e Water Department, and ay self measured the flow of water from ££ S5„££ W63t °f L“ “d **• **U~U« report «nx 0.22 over 2 foot—0.677 second feet—27.08 miners inches coming up on outside of casing and flowing down Las Vegas creek to ranch east of town. • s,^93.3econd feet—119,72 miners inches flowing into settling basin and being used for domestic and operating purposes, ~ flQW °? wel1 °*43 over 4 f°ot rect. weir— 3,67 second feet—146,8 miners inches. big spring 7 , -u 33 @ve3f 3 foot—1,86 second feet—74.4 miners inches flowing into settling basin and being used for domestic and operating purposes. MIDDLE SPRING rt°<*84 secon<i f©©t—33.60 miners inches flowing down Las Veggs Creek to ranch east of town, LITTLE SPRING 0.45 over 1.5 foot rect,weir--1,44 second feet-57,6 miners inches flowing down Las Vegas Creek to ranch east of town, MEASUREMENT Of MIDDLE SPRING AMD LITTLE SPRING TOGETHER 0.38 over 3 foot rect,weir—2,28 second feet—91,2 miners inches. NOTE^f The well shows a decrease of 20,4 miners inches or 228,9 gallons per minute since March 3,1927 There is also a noticeable difference in the Big Soring, The measurement on March 3,1927 was made in forebay with inter­polated corrections and with natural fluctuation of spring the difference is possible.