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Form l T - « — 10M—5-16— D D D MSilTfc8H.&31 C6 Of W&y DEPARTMENT____________________________division no______fc6pt • Oj—J.916. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------—191--------— description -Estimated cost of constructing packing house to be leased to_____ A. 1. Woodillr. .-Rive r side, California.,.........................- ——----------------?? ———? S. P., L. A. & S. L. R. R. rr K E S T 1 M A T E T O A C C O M P A N Y F O R M 3 0 O R G. M. O. S h e e t N o ____ O...... o f -----U------ s h e e t s ITEM IF ANY CLASS OF MATERIAL OR LABOR IS CHARGEABLE TO BOTH R. & E. AND O. E. ACCOUNTS IT SHOULD NOT BE ENTERED AS ONE ITEM BUT IN TWO SEPARATE ITEMS UNIT STORE AMOUNT AMOUNT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EX % LABOR MATERIAL DIVISION OF EXPENSE Brought f orwai 1” Mam. Rods, 9’4” Ion, ?d from Sheet 4” Thr.sq. head & nut 8 ea ?£x9 Machine Bolts 10 0 1x10 * ” 830 « fxl3 ” ” 20 " iixl B ” ” 1-5*15 ” " 20 ” 20 ” i 4x16” Pressed steel joist bangers 5/8x4 Lag screws i|x4x4x8 Angle Irons per detail Cut Washers MM i;’f Cut Washers Sc , Huts 8q. Buts 490 265 40 40 10 49vf ?§x21 Machine Bolts Cast iron bevel wash-1 ers per detail 6 Oz, Tacks #20 Barn Boor Hangers #31 Trolley Kail # 31 End Brackets . * SB " " c f 3C Center 80 2 Bx 10 pr 80 ft 5 20 12 4 pr. 80L ft 155 ” 2f” Bolts to fit above brackets 6,f Hinge Hasps 4” Strap Hinges #26 Gauge 10” flashing #26 ” li” #18 ” i" Mesh 36” wide wire cloth 1500 8ft #14 Gauge -§•" mesh 42”! wide wire cloth 6i# Window Wts. 64 if ” . " 8 Bash pullexys Bash fasteners 2”x2” fast joint butt Bash cord Cupboard catches 3§x3§- L.P.Boor Butts 4|x4# ” ” " •§” Staples 315 " 416# 40# 72 22 3 13 pr 3 Hanfe 12 8 pr 1 ” 30 i rr Cwt If Oaa tf Cwt #2 ! ipo 381 408 460 2075 2520 50 11*5 141 i 7 35 i 7 250 ! 7 280 ! 7 265 ! 7 265 I 7 661 i 7 250 7 j 04 7 | 123 ixSl|5 11 1.5 10 1.5 10 1.5 10 1•51 180 1.5 07 I 7 j 07 7 ! 1.5 475 !1.5 JcU 350 Forwarded t o s h e e t lib. 4 11000 233869 244869 800 8 OO 38 38 938 9 38 92 92 415 4 15 5p4 5' 04 2000 20' OO 14 14 350 3 50 123 1 23 207 2 07 87 87 204 | 04 23 - 33 200 2 00 08 I 08 1230 1230 880 880 50 50 50 50 1 50 ip 36 36 34 , 84 28 1 28 9 SO 9 60 4 65 4 65 71 25 7 lb 5 40 L6 40 16 IB 48 12 48 1 20 1 20 1 26 1 26 88 88 65 63 1 80 1 80 1 04 104 1 20 1 20 20 20 1 05 • 1 05 '1/5 -)0.. 1 V --- r 4, <jf o 11000 25668S 2676Q8