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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    SAN PEDRO, LOS ANGELES AND SALT LAKE RAILROAD COMPANY fl H. C. NUTT, GENERAL MANAGER, C. 4. BALCH, ASSISTANT TO GENERAL MANAGER, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. ...Rooming House - Las Vega Mr. fp H. Bancroft, /Mr, J. Ross Clark, Special Committee. Rear Cirs:~ I enclose a copy of a report from Mr. Bettis showing the results of the operation of our rooming house for the eight months from January 1, 1913, to August 31, 1S13, showing a deficit of $1152.IS, without making any allowance for interest on the investment. Of this deficit, however, $519,50 is due to the charge for electricity made by the Railroad Company, and I feel that this is prac­tically all profit to the Railroad as I doubt very much if we could have reduced the cost of running our electric light plant to any considerable extent if we had not been lighting the rooming house. While it seems unfortunate that we can’t get rates sufficiently high to make the net revenues carry the investment, I feel that the re­duction in the deficit for the period mentioned above, compared with the deficit for the nine months previous when we were charging a higher rate for rooms, demonstrates that the reduction in the rate was a wise move. The item of $1600.00 for housekeeper, looks very large, and I have taken this up with Mr. Bettis and Mr. Bracken to see if we cannot make some other arrangement that will reduce the expense of this item. Yours truly, Bncl: » VJh, J | nvi