This folder is from "Financial Records" file of the Sadie and Hampton George Papers (MS-00434)
Digital ID
man000388. Sadie and Hampton George Papers, 1874-1944. MS-00434. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
W . H. A L L E N R O B E R T M .A L L E N . E S T A B L IS H E D 1888. T E L E P H O N E S : HOME 811 M A IN 2 2 2 4 r. t 27, 1905. Received of H. G. George acting as agent f o r ' T ^ ^ C ^ e X ^ the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, "being a deposit on account of purchase of Lots Thirteen (13) and Fourteen (14) Bloch twenty-three (23) of Angelino Heights, being a two story house on Ionia street and a vacant triandular purchase price of property to be Fifty-six Hundred ($5600.00) Dollars, on the following terms to wit:- Two Thousand ($2000.00) cash upon delivery of grant, bargain and sale deed and Cert- -ificate of Title showing property free and clear of all encumberances, excepting the taxes for the current year 1905- -06, which purchaser assumes and agrees to pay, and the balance of the purchase price $3600.00 to be secured by a mortgage on the property on or before two years after date with interest at the rate of 6^ net. residence expiring January, 15, 1906 at the monthly rental of $30.00, water paid by tenant. piece of land at intersection of Ionia and Bellevue Streets, This property is sold subject to a lease on the I approve of the fibove and agree to pay commission of 5$ on the first $1000.00 and 2 l/2$ on the balance of the purchase price.