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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, August 11, 1942 to December 30, 1946, lvc000005-320


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    Commissioner Clark moved that the minutes of the Board meeting of June 7 and of the special meeting June 15 and also the minutes of June 4 as amended, be approved by reference and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign same. Motion seconded by Commissioner Baskin and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Baskin, Bates, Clark and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Commissioner Corradetti. Commissioner Clark moved that Payroll Claims #449 to #458 inclusive, in the net sum of $15,646.77 and Poll Tax in the sum of $27.00 be approved and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign same. Motion seconded by Commissioner Baskin and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Baskin, Bates, Clark and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Commissioner Corradetti. Commissioner Clark moved that Service and Material Claims #446 to #448 inclusive, in the sum of- $26,038.69 be approved and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign same. Motion seconded by Commissioner Baskin and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Baskin, Bates, Clark and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Commissioner Corradetti. Commissioner Clark moved that the City Manager be authorized to negotiate with Wes Neeley for rental of CCC Building for the purpose of raising chickens. Said agreement to be submitted to the Board at the next regular meeting. Motion seconded by Commissioner Baskin and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Baskin, Bates, Clark and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Commissioner Corradetti. Commissioner Bates moved that the City Manager be authorized to negotiate an agreement with the Edward L. Burton Company, Salt Lake City, for sale of bonds for Police Station and Swimming Pool. Said agreement to be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk. Motion seconded by Commissioner Clark and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Baskin, Bates, Clark and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Commissioner Corradetti. Commissioner Bates moved that the City Clerk be directed to have notices posted on that Certain property described as follows, to-wit: "The easterly fifteen feet of right-of-way bordering lots 1, 7,8,9,10 & 11, Block 19 of Ladd’s Addition, in the City of Las Vegas as shown by the map thereof on record in the County Recorder’s Office, Clark County, Nevada, giving notice for hearing for vacation of right of way. Said hearing to be held on the 24th day of July at the hour of 2:30 P.M." Motion seconded by Commissioner Baskin and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Baskin, Bates, Clark and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Commissioner Corradetti. Commissioner Bates moved that the City Clerk be directed to post notices of public hearing July 24, 1945, at the hour of 2:00 P.M. for vacation of certain portions of Linden Street described as follows, to-wit: "That portion of Linden Street formerly dedicated as Sycamore Street, west of 13th Street which dead ends to the rear of the Kelso-Turner Terrace Addition an area of approximately sixty feet wide, 128 deep, between Blocks 3 & 4 of the 14th Street Addition, as shown by the map thereof on record in the County Recorders Office, Clark County, Nevada." Motion seconded by Commissioner Baskin and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Baskin, Bates, Clark and His Honor voting aye; noes, none: Absent: Commissioner Corradetti. Commissioner Bates moved that the application of the Boulder Club Inc. at 118 Fremont Street for one Race Horse Book be granted; and the application of the El Cortez Hotel Company for three slot machines in the Lobby of the Hotel, and four slot machines in the Casino, be granted. Motion seconded by Commissioner Baskin and carried by the following vote: Commissioner Baskin, Bates, Clark and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Commissioner Corradetti. Commissioner Bates moved that the City Manager be authorized to institute all legal proceedings necessary for the vacation of two alleys in Block 6 of Ladd Addition to Las Vegas bounded by Fremont, Carson, Maryland Parkway (12th Street) and 13th Street excepting that ten feet portion east-west alley adjacent to Maryland Parkway or 12th Street; and that notice of hearing on said petition for vacation be given by posting, setting the date as July 24, at the hour of 2 P.M. GAMING APPLICATIONS Additions NOTICE of HEARING Vacation of two Alleys VACATION—Linden Street VACATION—Right of Way Ladd Addition AGREEMENT—Edward L. Burton Co. Las Vegas Bonds AGREEMENT--Wes Neeley SERVICE & MATERIAL CLAIMS PAYROLL CLAIMS