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I agree.LOCATION ERDA HO* 2 GRANTEE MARGARET BRYAN "Certifies that filing of Desert Land Entry on July 19, 1888 on SS£ SE^ Sec* 26 and Slf B % Bee* 35, «as correct as facts indicate that George W* Bryan and wife moved on the land in 1871 and the water was developed at great amount of labor and expense by diggij^itt side qj hill and improved two of the four springs o.n "the ~rand. and thereby incerased the supply of water to such an extent that it could be used for iggigation purposes--- and has been used at all times since for irrigation purposes and maintenance of a bouse for petitioner". GRANTOR: i.H.STONE, Land Commissioner* INSTRUMENT: CERTIFICATE DATE: OOT.lh, 1891,CONSIDE RECORDED: MAY 25,1896,BOOK Iff of DEEDS, TOOELE COUNTY