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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Important Changes during l e a n June 30, 1941, Well Vo. $ was completed to a depth of 492 feet* A perforated liner was Installed and the easing cemented at top so Its production could he confined In underground channel when not actually required In eity. Production 529,410 gallons per day and pumps are now being installed to augaent this production. July 10, 1941, Well No. 0 was completed to a depth of 500 feet, the Inside arrangement being similar to No. S, eo production oould he conserved. Initial production 468,604 gallons per day, and pumps are also being Installed on this well. Plans are now under way for additional wells. Commencing In April and being completed in December, a program of water malm renewals was Installed to keep ahead of development and increased population. 29,683 ft. of east iron mains were Installed within the elty, to complete the oast Iron system. At the same time all service lines In alleye were replaced, and fire hydrants re-set on larger diameter mains to afford better fire protection. v>