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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    w ? Copy Los Angeles, April 22, 1927 20»6 Mr* F, H* Knickerbockers Please refor to my letter November 26, 1926 and Mr* McN&raee*s letter April 4, 1927, relative to renewal of contract between fee Las Vegas Land and Water Company and the Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company covering the furnishing of water at Las Vegas. My letter November 26 recommended that before establishing a new rate, we should arrange to install a meter in the pip® line- serv­ing fee LVL and 1 Co, so as to tell definitely just how ranch water that Company is using} and it was further recommended that existing contract be extended for six months, at the end of which time we would be in a better position to advise you relative to the water situation, It is recognised that the Las Vegas Land and Water Company is a subsidiary of the Railroad Company and that a revision in rates would apparently result in a mere change in accounting} however, with the de­crease in fee flow of our well from 3644 G.P.M* measured in July 1924 to 1876 Q» P,M* measured in March 1927 and the probable execution of the contract with the Hotel Company for SO miners* inches or approximately 560 G. P. M*, it appears that we should give serious consideration to the supply and use of water at Las Vegas# My understanding is that the 50 miners* inches for fee Hotel Company is divided into fee amount which can be supplied through a 3** pipe line, which amount will be taken from fee main pipe line and the remainder is to be pumped by fee Hotel Company from Laa Vegas creek. However, the source of supply is fee same and as the entire amount is either taken from the pipe line or from the creek, the available water will be diminished by the amount used by the Hotel Company,