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    wir* slffNs# it, Wontoftowery - fHsg* 2 In vim of Wm ^l3»i, I h&v* pragsrsa a wmkm-M P«t#il of BrttBst*& ^indltur#® Aatnd Knseh 5* If# * tbre® @tp4#s of wbish «m sntoBlttsd «ad I *» also furnishing iron two aay&a* of our Bmwinii B*6t3 whlah t bars datsd m m h 5, I f# , vtolah nnow th* a^sooiiMto Inaction «*& nsliNi to bs undar Warn rmlu vh^m b a.sotfs prrsocpjaossaMt s«d*. t«r *b* original projsot to t top yoom slf «nA nr. ?boil on Jbly 1?, 1953* on ttoo tooaio o rig in ally sn M tb sd % a tta r of 4to&y 5* Xf yon m gpm ttost tbo tonal* for construction roflalatt of jaMpatad watsr Halim ataaaQUI to* ohangsd m raqnaotod s«M loldorc ns iadiontad in attsotmd *B*t*ll of fatlraatad Sxpon- | taros* dntad Haroh 5, i f # «a& on attosatoad Drawing 3*623 dattsd Karob 5* 19# , th* oast of nfstsb would bn s S M to tbs basin rch&s* pr&o* la sooosdsmMi with emotion 13 of m rm m sat *C*L.P. #2 datsd Jo m 1, 1953, w ill yon nions* iadionto your approval tbs o&rboa ooyy «f tills la ttsr'vm ah Is asnt yon' la trip llo a ts fata*® two ooplsa to «r, Hgrry 1* M ille r fo r approval top fhnass-A* Campbell, Cbatrsmn, Hoard of d r so tors, bam yogas H ay batar D istrict* Ctopjr of th is la tta r sp^rovod top n r . QmptemXt should too rs tu rn s d to n s . O ascls* im* Harry S* d l l s r :m m m this Jay of bA$ ?!&&§ f ALbSf M f SR M i f iI^IfO#f. fary truly yours, '"^V^ A w f*. It* fcag