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w 25 Las Vegas - Hovember 16, 1<?A8 Mr. L. A. White: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter November 12, file BD 5-7* with attached copy of report from Traveling Auditors covering the examination of accounts and records of this office In October. With reference to use of privately owned car by outside Checker, we have not made any monetary allowance to Mr. Gardner, but it seemed no more than fair that we should assume the cost of gas and oil used in his oar while on Company business. This averages about $10.00 per month. This we did by authorizing him to charge such gas and oil to our account at the Service Station which services our trucks, and which we voucher each month. With respect to Public Liability Insurance on Mr. Gardner's ear, if it is desired to Increase the coverage to the limit specified in Mr. Cox'e letter October f, 19kkt ana included “others* in the omnibus clause, the premiums will cost about #A0.00 per year and no doubt it will be better to discontinue the charge account and arrange for a monthly allowance which I will arrange for as soon as data is completely assembled on the costs. With respect to the four items listed in your letter; 1 1. About 75% of our service cards, Form 2, cover residential service and we use only A lines of the card to list: a private residence, toilet, bath and total charges. Sven in the commercial district three or four lines would usually be ample for any one service. It appears, therefore, that the card can be considerably reduced and at the same time provide sufficient information for our purpose. I submit herewith for your consideration a revised form reduced from the present 5|*x8£ to the proposed 5**5*• At the present time we keep these cards in wooden bones and a fire would seriously cripple our base records. If the new form is adopted, we would provide metal containers which would not only assure better protection but would also be more modem.