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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    \ 2 The Railroad C o.’ s springs and wells produce, various­ly , from 400,000 GJ?B to 1,000,000 GPS, with the exception of one well which has been producing since the spring of 1944 approxi­mately 3,000,000 GPD. The water producing horizons contain considerable sand, and it is not unusual to have two wells sanded in at a time. With our smaller w ells, this would create a d istin ct hazard of shortage; with temporary Idas of the 3,000,000 g a l. w ell there would be a decided shortage, and i t requires from two to three weeks to clean out and restore a w ell to production* The Water Co* has a 2,500,000 gallon reservoir, which is entirely Inadequate to protect the situation in event of a bad fa ilu r e , and to afford domestic supply and water fo r f ir e protection to this important Defense community i t is proposed to d r ill an additional w ell and construct pipe line from well to reservoir at an estimated cost of #41,000* The Basic Magnesium plan t, employment in which brought about the greatest extension in home development, has been closed down except fo r the production of ch lorin e, which la tter is being produced solely fo r war purposes. A portion o f the plant is or shortly w ill be occupied by the Rheem Manufacturing Co. fo r the production of rocket sheila. Owing to the geographical location of raw m aterials, it has been established that this plant oannot operate commercially a fter the war in competition with other magnesium plants, and there is no'reason to believe any other use can be found fo r the fa c ilit ie s * The Army Air School w ill in a ll probability be discontinued a fter the war, but even i f continued on a peace-time basis there w ill be engaged but a fra ction of the present personnel, a ll o f which indicates a probable shrinkage in population o f Las Vegaa to its prewar status, leaving the Railroad Co. with a great excess of produc­tion fa c ilit ie s * It is considered that as these expenditures are made en tirely in protecting those but temporarily employed in the war e ffo r t , we are clea rly en titled to ce r tific a te of necessity fo r amortization of the expenditure* Additional information, i f required, in connection with this application may be obtained from Mr. H* B. Blanchard, Washington Representative of the applicant, whose address is : 600 Shoreham Building 15th and H 3 ts*, H.W* lashingtoft 5, D*C. Telephone: Republic 0600