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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Omaha * April 8 , 1983 SC-353-24-L Mr. A* I . Stoddards (cc «* Mr. *ta, Reinhardt Mr. V. S. Mouse Hr. v. H. Rulsizex Mr. A. € . R itter) > fc Varther ay le tte r March 13th rela tiv e to question of Railroad developing independent voter supply at Las togas. Z now have the following .additional report from Chief Engineer Perkins, under date o f April 8th: "On March 28 x spent the day at Las togas, i inspected the old Shop s a il; also conferred at length with General Water Service Foreman, Mel Anderson, who is personally cleaning and testin g tbs old s o il. "At that tine indications sere that th is t o ll could he brought hack to f o il production in sp ite o f the fact i t has practically been cut o f service for a nusber o f years. Mr. Anderson has been pumping and surging th is s e ll , and has incrsassd i t s capacity. "I as attaching a photostatic codv o f m m ii voju ass noon fille d to a depth o f 884*. and in the past a 5" pipe was in sta lled in the s e ll to accommodate an air l i f t . This pipe has dropped to the bottom o f the s e l l , with the top o f the 5" pipe approximately 234* below the surface. This pipe is in effectiv e, and fille d , however, there is a good supply of water flowing between the 8" and 10** pipe. "The submersible pump, now in the w ell, is pnplng approximately 800 g.p.m ., but the draw-down is exeesslvef therefore, i t Is reeomendsd that tbs pump be lowered 72* which can be accomplished with equipment furnished by tbs pump manufacturer at a cost o f $600. "It i s obvious that an adequate supply o f